Cultivating Strategic Relationships Vol.1

Cultivating Strategic Relationships Vol.1

…The Introduction…

Relationship Building Skill (RBS) is one of the important and essential skills that are necessary to help you achieve success and attain personal greatness in life.

Your ability to cultivate relevant relationships and build strategic alliances are necessary efforts required to facilitate necessary connections that can move you from one level of success to another level.

To achieve your goals and make meaningful progress, you are going to need people. You must be

intentional in collaborating with individuals whose relationships are relevant to your growth.

Cultivating strategic relationships is an investment that requires your readiness to sacrifice with an

intention to meet the demands and expectations of such relationships ahead of time. Such an investment pays more than shares and stocks.

The reason most people fail in businesses, lost big contracts, or missed great opportunities that would have transformed their lives is their inability or failure to cultivate and nurture strategic relationships ahead of time.

To succeed in life, you are going to need people as much as you would need God. In case you do not know, it was the favour of God and the help of men that helped Jesus Christ to fulfill His purpose on earth. Luke 2:52.


Les Brown once said, “If you surround yourself with losers, you will end up a loser.” How far you will ever go or succeed in life can be determined by the categories of individuals you closely associate.

*To be continued…*

Happy Eid-El-Fitr to Our Muslim Brothers/Sisters!

*Gbenga Emiloju (DMPII)*

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