

By Aaron Okoye

It’s a shame when people come out all over social media and proudly announce they are divorced and make a declaration of how bad their ex is.

Of course, they will slander their ex to show how bad they are and how they have been victimised.

But they forget something, in a divorce, no one is innocent!

The day you decided to give your spouse the silent treatment

The day you shouted and abused them

The day you refused to perform your duties because of anger

The times you refused to pray for your marriage because you are tired of it

The times you ignored and kept malice with your spouse for days/months

The times you denied them of food, money and sex as punishment for their actions

The times you slandered them before relatives and friends because of issues you have.

The time you chose to start an illicit affair outside of your marriage

The times you played stupid mind games against them in order to prove you are tougher and to gain control of the marriage

All these times, you were simple choosing DIVORCE.


Divorce doesn’t just happen; you chose it through your words and actions.

You can come out and cry wolf to the public and slander your ex to the high heavens in order to prove your sainthood and innocence but that very act shows who you truly are.

A good, mature and mentally stable person will not wash their dirty linen in public.

Divorce is not what you should be proud of and celebrate.

Even if your Ex is the devil incarnate.

Divorce shows you have an issue with making the right decisions concerning someone to marry.

Your decisions for a spouse was based on the flesh not the Holy Spirit and God’s word.

Even if you got the right person, chances are you handled them wrongly!

You also contributed in making your marriage fail no matter how small your contributions are.


As you have finally gotten freedom from the “devil” you married. You should spend time to heal and find out where you made mistakes and correct them.

We really are not concerned about the sordid stories of your marriage and how you suffered terribly and did nothing wrong.

We are concerned about your learning from your mistakes and making sure you don’t repeat them.

I sincerely hope you left your marriage for the right reasons not because you are intolerant, stubborn, unruly, unfaithful, ungodly, unteachable, impatient, prideful and narcissistic.

If you left for the wrong reasons, any other marriage you go into, YOU WILL BE COMMITTING ADULTERY. Jesus said so in Matt 5:31-32

Adultery leads you to hell!

You better remain single and without sex the rest of your life.





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