

By Aaron Okoye


You don’t FALL in love.

You choose to love

You don’t lose your senses and will power when you are in love.

You don’t lose your mind, soul and body to sin, instead you stand strong against it.

You are not helpless in love


Love is NEVER blind.

Unless you were blinded by the body or the money.

Love makes you see who the person truly is.

Love makes you see their flaws and their fantastic sides.

Love makes you esteem their fantastic sides over their flaws

Love makes you help them get better as you get better for them too


Love is not stupid

You don’t remain like a zombie in a relationship that you are abused, beaten up and maltreated.

You have to get help and if you are not married get out of the relationship Immediately.

Loves sees people’s manipulations and know they won’t change.


Love is tough

You don’t remain meek and helpless when you see things go wrong.

Love chastises and corrects. Sometimes it is done strongly but without judgement and abuse.

If I love you I must ensure you end up right.

Remember there will always be someone who will really appreciate you and love you better.

So love right!

In addition Marriage is not stupid.

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