I am ardent user of Virgin Atlantic that I have a gold card with them. I always enjoyed their flights. Quite reliable and professional.
I also fly BA a lot too. I have also flown several other airlines including Emirate, American Airlines etc., so I have a lot of flying experience.

Then I needed to travel to Lagos from London this September and I thought to try Airpeace . Somehow, I was skeptical. Nigerian factor must come to play, I kept saying to myself.
However, despite my skepticism I booked the flight. It wasn’t cheap, relatively.
Two days before my flight, I got emails and text messages from Airpeace advising location of check in, time and deadlines. Hmmm this is good, I thought. I was still looking for Nigerian factor.
On 7/9/24 I got to Gatwick Airport, South terminal to check in. I expected chaos there. Wow the check-in process was seamless and same standard as would BA or Virgin Atlantic.
I said perhaps the boarding will be chaotic. Nigerian factor must come to play. Hmmm boarding was seamless and same as BA and Virgin Atlantic.
We boarded and took our seats.
First, we were welcomed by elegant looking cabin crew adorning that traditional jacket.
We were told our captain was the husband of the actress Omotola.
So, I was a bit unsure lol.
Take off was perfect. International standards.
Then the cabin crew came around and I expected those poor customer services that Nigerians are known for.
Omg these ones beat Virgin Atlantic and BA standards. They were all very well trained. Very nice, helpful, dutiful, pleasant and highly professional.
I had to take the name of the lady that served my side of the cabin. Margaret from Benue state. Madam asked why I needed her name lol but I was wowed. I was so impressed with the services and how professional she was. She was simply outstanding.
The food was sumptuous. I enjoyed 4 course meals with choice drinks. The egusi soup was out of the world.

We landed in Lagos and flight was so smooth. At some point during the flight, the captain came to our cabin to say hello and asked if we were enjoying the flight.
I always feel on edge when I see the Captain in the Cabin while the plane is several thousand above the sea level lol. Anyway, he was quite nice.
The flight was so memorable and eventful. The aircraft was a Boeing 777, so it was quite luxurious and cozy.
Anyway, I said to myself, that this may be a one off. To wait till my return flight to London before reviewing. It may be a fluke.
On 17/9 back to London from the new terminal at MMA Lagos.
The same experience. The cabin crew Nana from Ghana and Ehi from Edo state that served our cabin were outstanding. They were simply electric.
Flight back to London was smooth and the whole process seamless.
Honestly Airpeace has given me that belief that Nigeria doesn’t fail in everything we do.
We can do as well and even better than international peers.
I pray that this standard is maintained and no spirit of Nigerian factor penetrates at any point.
For now I ain’t doing Virgin and surely don’t mind losing my gold card to enjoy the lovely services of Airpeace .
I also feel happy patronising an indigenous airline that their services are even better than the foreign ones.
Up Airpeace
Dr Chin Akano