Ten (10) Simple Ways to Effectively Manage Strategic Relationships

Ten (10) Simple Ways to Effectively Manage Strategic Relationships

By Gbenga Emiloju (DMPII)

The following are some simple ways to nurture and manage strategic relationships

1. Appreciation: Expression of gratitude makes strategic relationships improve and get better than when individuals in such relationships are taken for granted.

2. Value: Whatever you do not value cannot add value to you. Placing the right value on your strategic relationship increases its productivity ratios exponentially.

3. Investment: It is important to continuously sacrifice and make meaningful contributions for the growth and development your meaningful/productive relationships

4. Mutual Benefits: The rewards and benefits of strategic relationships should not be one-sided, but be mutually enjoyed. Make efforts to reciprocate the benefits enjoyed from your relationships

5. Evaluation: There is a need to periodically and regularly evaluate the progress and wellbeing of relationships with others for necessary actions or interventions.

6. Protection: Whatever that is valued should be well-protected. The same goes with strategic relationships, especially the secrets and classified information involved.

7. Keep It Simple: Let all efforts and approaches to maintain SR be simple, easy and moderate. Remember an adage, “Easy Does It.”

8. Genuine Interest: In your dealings with individuals in strategic relationships, make sure you are sincere, selfless and be 100% loyal to them.

9. Conflicts and Resolutions: Conflicts and resolutions are inevitable in every relationship. Give rooms for resolution whenever there is conflict in your strategic relationships.

10. Respect Boundaries: Never disrespect or disregard the boundaries set by others in your relationships. Be wise enough to respect boundaries set by strategic relationships.


No meaningful and productive relationship dies a natural death. The reasons behind the untimely death of many strategic relationships are traceable to lack of quality and effective management of such relationships.

*In Volume 5, I will discuss 10 Common Mistakes to avoid in Strategic Relationships.*

I Wish You A Pleasant Weekend!

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