The Need for Elected Leaders to Consider The Low Who Voted Them Into Power, While Empowering Rich Political Stakeholders and Ndieze

The Need for Elected Leaders to Consider The Low Who Voted Them Into Power, While Empowering Rich Political Stakeholders and Ndieze

By Joseph Ejindu

Empowering Ndieze, and political stakeholders by politicians is good, but the most dangerous thing is to abandon the youths and those you considered illiterates, ignorants and proletariats. They are the real voters, they can vote and protect their votes with their last blood, while party stakeholders or the bourgeoisie who have many things to enjoy in life would abandon their polling units or collation center for safety.

This set of people called the plolateriats, can mar or make election free and fair. Meanwhile, Politicians contract them during election and abandon them after winners are declared, and take glory to the bourgeoisie/Ndieze or political stakeholders who ran away for their lives during confrontation or fight at the polling units or collation center.

Empowering the bourgeoisie is fine, adding more wealth to their already existing wealth is also good, but why is it difficult for some politicians to empower the plolateriat who suffered for them to win election, some politicians find it difficult to empower the low class to find their feet, why?

But remember that political power no longer belong to Ndieze or political stakeholders, 2023 general election was an eyes opener.

Governor Alex Otti of Abia State is doing extremely well when it comes to infrastructures, in fact his tremendous achievements recorded so far have exposed his predecessors clutches of incompetencies, and abysmal performance. But he need to improve when it comes to the people’s welfare, specifically to empower those who suffered for him during election, appointing PhD holders into political positions is also part of professionalism in governance, but assisting the low class to grow and find their feet is human capital development.


Amb. Joseph Ejindu Owo JEO

Independent Mind.

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