By Professor Echefuna’ R G Onyebeadi
If this statement credited to Mr. Donald Trump of America is true, then, at the very best, it is mere facts, but certainly, not necessarily the truth!
We don’t need any soothsayer to tell us that it is an undisguised white supremacy propaganda all the way!
Mr P W Botha of apartheid South Africa said much more but,
the question is: where is Africa’s Renaissance?
Where are genuine African leaders that can put all these to shame?
Why must we allow them to continue to create and propagate our history as they perceive it and/or as it suits them?
Why must we continue to kill and/or allow them to kill/facilitate the killing of our leaders who knows the truth and are determined to change the tide for our collective good?
Whenever any genuine African leader emerges anywhere in Africa, they humiliate, overthrow and/or kill them.
They killed Patrice Lumumba, Thomas Sankara etc, just to flash a few, while we seemingly rejoiced at our collective doom!
Then, they turn around like the devil’s advocate to criticize, demonize and condemn the ineptitude of the ‘rulers’ they imposed on us; while profiting on their ignominious ungodly acts with the connivance of their stooges in and/or with us!
They forever disregard and denounce our cultural heritage even while they come to our land to steal and decorate their museums with our artefacts!
Then, they impose on us the worst of us while we sheepishly follow and applaud them to our shame and damnation.
Just imagine for instance, their abominable man to man and woman to woman copulation they now sell to the world against nature, our cultural heritage and hegemony?…to which some Africans are proud to belong!
When shall we learn? When shall we proudly stand our ground?!?
I am a proud ‘Nigerian’ African but, what can a seemingly ‘lone’ voice in the wilderness of Africa and Nigeria do?
Haven’t Africans and Nigerians in particular, been shamed and killed enough to retrace their steps?
They assassinate our best only for them to impose on us the very worst that serves their interest! Yet, they turn around to blame us for their choices!
Who can shame this shame on ‘NIGERIA’ and Africa, even with our humongous human and natural resources?
They gave us their cultural governance system to shame our traditional systems and we concurred to our shame, damnation and disdain!
We sit on global wealth that foreigners have to tell us about, not for our gain, but for their exploitation!
We stand akimbo unperturbed while our commonwealth were and are still being carted away by those who despise and disdain us.
We craved for the independence of our people and country only to become dependent on those who purportedly gave us independence!
Just imagine their make belief maps of the most populous Africa’s country with the biggest concentration of ‘black’ people on earth; which map they make to look like a cow looking right; and, that of the Africa continent to look like a person with both hands tied to his/her back while taking a bow to an imaginary inferiority complex, which they imposed on us!
Yet, we allow ourselves to be indoctrinated to believe that anything and everything from them is good and superior to ours!
We wear their clothes, eat their food, drive their vehicles etc which are products of their witchcraft, but our own witchcraft are forever etched on banana leaf in our backyard!
If this speech allegedly credited to Donald Trump doesn’t agitate the minds of Nigerians and Africans to take their destiny in their own hands, make the best to happen for their people, take the Bull by its horns and get determined to shame our collective shame, I wonder what else will do!
How long will African ‘rulers’ continue to steal our commonwealth only to store same abroad for the development of those that don’t regard us as anything while they continue to profit from induced corruption of their stooges that they make to rule us!? How long!?
Can’t the ongoing clamour for a restructured Nigeria be propelled and/or engineered to solve this malady for us as a people? I wonder!…
Nobi Africa be kreydul 4 civilization B4? Nobi so!?
Wia awa own histori and tori tella o!?…
Wo, Ai taya!…