Most blacks were brain and MIND conditioned to always fight themselves.
Blacks, (if there’s anything called black) have lived with centuries TOLDs so exist by LIES and LIARS to humanity… therefore many may have damaged psyches!! Today’s standard is gauged/regulated using prepared colonial academia. comparability.
These happened during slave trade especially at the sugarcane fields/farms…black fought themselves. It brought about wearing of “Jingle bells” on their necks so that the noises made by the jiggling bells can attract or notify the MASTER…monster!!
As at today, if a black man does not have enough reason to pull fellow down…then real emancipation has started, but learning colonial flutes of literatures, comparably, still make blacks more or less human than other (selves)…so that ego dirt defense MUST create crabs’ nature inside…with enough reason to back up terrible…mindless acts of destruction and disunity…so I beg you to always do the expected.
I call this “crabilogical” disease (derived from CRABS that crabs other crabs down to prevent escape; even when in open basket…till the enemy/colonial monster kills and eat them all).
Stop CRABBING YOUR FELLOW BLACK!! *We are together when we refuse to notice/complain about our fellow’s weakness! *
You are very strong right? Use your strengths to lift fallen comrade/gladiator!
Prof. Chinedu Agbodike.